Language/OS - Multiplatform Resource Library
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Text File
1,284 lines
"Sun-$Revision: 8.2 $"
"Copyright 1992 Sun Microsystems, Inc. and Stanford University.
See the LICENSE file for license information."
"CAUTION: This file is not part of the documented Self world. It may be
be changed or removed at any time, and it will not be documented. Don't
try to learn good Self style from this file.
This file can be removed from all.self without affecting the Self world,
except for tests.wrappers.self which uses it for testing purposes."
This program is an attempt to make it easier to add primitives to Self.
It reads primitive templates and creates the self glue code, the
primitive table entries, and the C++ headers, glue functions, and glue
To read primitive templates construct a file whose name ends with
The file should have the following format:
primitiveMaker reader copy [staticLinking|dynamicLinking]
create: 'fileNamePrefix' From: '
template3a \
Then use the _RunScript primitive from the shell to execute your file.
This program will write out two files:
Blank lines are ignored.
Any line starting with ``//'' is ignored.
Any line starting with ``--'' is inserted as a comment in the output files.
A template is a sequence of nonwhite tokens, or anything inside of
curly brackets.
Three special templates specify supplemental information:
traits: <self-path>
specifies the self traits object that will be the target of
the _AddSlots for the wrappers.
macroName: <macro-name>
specifies the base name of the macro that will be defined to
hold all the lines of glue or primitive entries
(macro-name_glue or macro-name_entries)
glueLibaryName: <glue-library-name>
(This template applies only to dynamic linking.)
specifies the file name of the glue library.
The syntax of the other templates is:
[_|^] <wrapper-spec> = <resultType> <type-of-prim> <c-name> <primTableInfo>
<wrapper-spec> gives the name of the Self-wrapper, and the argument
type conversion specs. It is a sequence of keywords, interspersed with
type conversion specs. The first spec may be void to force the
wrapper to discard the receiver.
Type conversion specs:
This package knows about the following type conversions:
oop any_oop smi
void any
float double long_double
char signed_char unsigned_char
short signed_short unsigned_short
int signed_int unsigned_int int_or_errno
long signed_long unsigned_long
string string_len string_null string_len_null
* bv bv_len bv_null bv_len_null
* cbv cbv_len cbv_null cbv_len_null
+ proxy proxy_null proxy_or_errno
+ fct_proxy fct_proxy_null
+ aClassName
* byteVectors require a pointer type, e.g., <bv_len char*>
+ Using <aClassName> specifies a pointer to the class or structure.
So does <proxy aClassName* sealName>.
Using <proxy aClassName sealName> specifies the class or structure.
<resultType> is the type conversion for the primitive result.
<type-of-prim> = get[Member] | set[Member] | call[Member] | new | delete.
<cname> is the name of the C function or varaible. Omitted for new, delete.
<primTableInfo> = [canAWS] [cannotFail] [passFailHandle]
The next token may be cannotFail, if the C primitive cannotFail.
Or it may be canAWS, if the C primitive can abort, walk the stack or
Or it may be passFailHandle to pass a failure handle as the last
To test this out, type ``primitiveMaker reader copy staticLinking test''.
traits applications _AddSlotsIfAbsent: (| primitiveMaker = () |)
prototypes applications _AddSlotsIfAbsent: (| primitiveMaker = () |)
traits primitiveMaker _AddSlotsIfAbsent: ( |
abstractLinking = ().
staticLinking = ().
dynamicLinking = ().
reader = ().
parser = ().
cvts = ().
msg = ().
typeTraits = ().
| )
prototypes primitiveMaker _AddSlotsIfAbsent: ( |
generator = ().
reader = ().
parser = ().
cvts = ().
msg = ().
| )
traits primitiveMaker abstractLinking _AddSlotsIfAbsent: ( |
generator = ().
| )
traits primitiveMaker staticLinking _AddSlotsIfAbsent: ( |
generator = ().
| )
traits primitiveMaker dynamicLinking _AddSlotsIfAbsent: ( |
generator = ().
| )
traits primitiveMaker reader _Define: ( |
_ parent* = traits clonable.
_ ignoredCommentPrefix = '//'.
_ includedCommentPrefix = '--'.
^ create: filePrefix From: inputString = (
create: filePrefix From: inputString Writing: true ).
^ create: filePrefix From: in Writing: doWrite = (
read: in.
doWrite ifTrue: [ write: filePrefix ].
_ write: prefix = (
" convert to strings so each character isn't output individually "
" (eliminate when printOnFile: uses buffered files) "
wrappers asString printOnFile:
(unix environmentVariable: 'SELF_WORKING_DIR'), '/',
selfDirectory, '/', prefix, '.wrappers.self'.
(entries, '\n\n', glue) asString printOnFile:
(unix environmentVariable: 'SELF_WORKING_DIR'), '/',
cDirectory, '/', prefix, '.primMaker.h'.
_ read: in = ( | inList. token. line. r. |
inList: list copyRemoveAll.
r: list copyRemoveAll.
in: in WithoutEscNLDo: [|:c| inList addLast: c].
line: list copyRemoveAll.
inList isEmpty || ['\n' = inList first] ifTrue: [
processTemplate: line.
inList isEmpty ifTrue: exit.
line: list copyRemoveAll.
'\t \n' includes: inList first
] whileTrue: [inList removeFirst].
token: list copyRemoveAll.
inList first = '{' ifTrue: [
inList removeFirst.
[|:exitBracketToken. c |
inList isEmpty ifTrue: [^error: 'open { but no closing }'].
c: inList removeFirst.
c = '}' ifTrue: exitBracketToken.
token addLast: c.
] loopExit.
] False: [
[|:exitToken. |
inList isEmpty ifTrue: exitToken.
('\t \n' includes: inList first) ifTrue: exitToken.
token addLast: inList removeFirst.
] loopExit.
line addLast: token asString.
] loopExit.
_ in: in WithoutEscNLDo: b = ( | lastWasBackslash <- false |
in do: [|:c|
lastWasBackslash ifFalse: [b value: c] True: [
'\n' = c ifFalse: [
b value: '\n' first.
b value: c.
lastWasBackslash: '\\' = c
b value: '\n' first. "needed for tokenize"
_ setupFileHeaders = (
| warning = 'This information was generated by the primitive maker',
' (primitiveMaker.self).\nPlease do not change it',
' manually. -- dmu 12/91 '.
pragma = '# pragma interface\n\n'.
comment: warning.
appendToMacros: pragma).
_ appendToMacros: s = (entries: entries, s. glue: glue, s).
_ comment: c = (
wrappers: wrappers, sComment: c.
appendToMacros: cComment: c).
_ sComment: c = ('" ' , c, ' "\n\n' ).
_ cComment: c = ('/* ', c, ' */\\\n\\\n').
_ processTemplate: line = ( | p. g |
feedback: 'processing ', (line printStringSize: infinity).
line isEmpty ifTrue: [^self].
line first = ignoredCommentPrefix ifTrue: [^self].
line first = includedCommentPrefix ifTrue: [| s <- ''. |
line doFirst: [] MiddleLast: [|:t| s: s, t, ' '] IfEmpty: [].
^ comment: s.
line first = 'traits:' ifTrue: [^processTraits: line].
line first = 'macroName:' ifTrue: [^processMacroName: line].
line first = 'glueLibraryName:' ifTrue: [^processGlueLibraryName: line].
p: primitiveMaker parser copy.
p tokenList: line.
p parse.
g: primitiveMaker generator copy.
g reader: self.
g parser: p.
g generate.
appendFrom: g.
^ appendFrom: gen = (
wrappers: wrappers, gen wrapper.
glue: glue, gen glue.
entries: entries, gen entry).
_ processTraits: line = (
line removeFirst.
line do: [|:tok| wrappers: wrappers, tok, ' '].
wrappers: wrappers, '_AddSlots: ( |\n\n'.
isInAddSlots: true).
_ processMacroName: line = (
line removeFirst.
macroName: line first.
line removeFirst.
isInDefine: true).
_ macroName: n = (
glue: glue, '# define ', n, '_glue \\\n\\\n'.
entries: entries, '# define ', n, '_entries \\\n\\\n').
_ processEnd = (endOfWrappers).
_ endOfWrappers = (
isInAddSlots ifTrue: [wrappers: wrappers, '| )\n\n'. isInAddSlots: false].
_ endOfMacros = (
isInDefine ifTrue: [appendToMacros: '\n\n'. isInDefine: false].
^ test = ( test: true ).
^ test: doWrite = ( | reader |
reader: copy.
reader staticLinking.
reader cDirectory: ''.
reader create: 'test' From: '
// a comment that is ignored
-- a comment that is included in the output
traits: fribble frabble
macroName: smortlehoffer
void copy_color: color Shape: shape = Inode {inodeProto deadCopy} new
_ Inode delete = void delete
^ void errorNumber = int get errno
void errorNumber: int = void set errno
Pixrect pr_zap = frob frobToSideEffect getMember bark
Pixrect pr_zap: int = frob frobToSideEffect setMember bark
Pixrect pr_zap: int = frob {frob xroto} callMember bark
void time = int call ftime
^ void open: string Mode: int = int call open
^ void open: string \
Mode: int = proxy int int_seal pToSideEffect call open
_ void exit: int = void call exit canAWS cannotFail
_ void exit: any_oop = void call exit canAWS cannotFail passFailHandle
' Writing: doWrite.
_ noisy = ( | _ feedback: string = ( string printLine. self ). | ).
_ quiet = ( | _ feedback: string = ( self ). | ).
_ feedingBack* <- ().
^ beNoisy = (feedingBack: noisy).
^ beQuiet = (feedingBack: quiet).
^ staticLinking = (
generatorTraits: traits primitiveMaker staticLinking generator.
cDirectory: 'prims').
^ dynamicLinking = (
generatorTraits: traits primitiveMaker dynamicLinking generator.
cDirectory: 'self').
_ processGlueLibraryName: line = (
line removeFirst.
glueLibraryName: line first).
_ glueLibraryName: n = ( glueLibraryNameSlot: '\'', n, '\'' ).
_ noGlueLibraryName = 'user must specify me'.
_ initializeGlueLibraryName = (glueLibraryNameSlot: noGlueLibraryName).
^ glueLibraryName = (
glueLibraryNameSlot = noGlueLibraryName
ifFalse: [glueLibraryNameSlot]
True: [
'You must include a \"glueLibraryName:\" template',
' for dyanamic linking. ',
'The library name gives the name of the .so file containing the',
' glue.'
| ) beNoisy
primitiveMaker reader _Define: ( |
_ parent* = traits primitiveMaker reader.
_ selfDirectory <- 'self'.
_ cDirectory <- 'self'.
^ wrappers <- ''.
^ entries <- ''.
^ glue <- ''.
^ isInAddSlots <- false.
^ isInDefine <- false.
^_ generatorTraits <- ().
_ glueLibraryNameSlot <- ''.
| )
traits primitiveMaker parser _Define: ( |
_ parent** = traits clonable.
^ copy = ((
resend.copy keywords: keywords copyRemoveAll)
argCvts: argCvts copyRemoveAll).
^ parse = (
('_^' includes: tokenList first first) ifTrue: [
privacy: tokenList removeFirst.
argCvts addLast: selectCvt parseArgFrom: tokenList.
tokenList first = '=' ifTrue: exit.
keywords addLast: tokenList removeFirst.
tokenList first = '=' ifTrue: exit.
] loopExit.
tokenList removeFirst. "rm = "
resultCvt: selectCvt parseResFrom: tokenList.
primType: tokenList removeFirst.
cName: (primType = 'new' ) ifTrue: 'new' False: [
(primType = 'delete') ifTrue: 'delete' False: [
tokenList removeFirst]].
[tokenList isEmpty] whileFalse: [
tokenList removeFirst, ':' sendTo: self With: true.
_ selectCvt = ( | c <- '' |
c: tokenList removeFirst.
'_' = c ifTrue: [primitiveMaker cvts proxyForClass: c]
False: [c sendTo: primitiveMaker cvts]).
| )
primitiveMaker parser _Define: ( |
_ parent* = traits primitiveMaker parser.
_^ tokenList <- list.
^_ privacy <- ''.
^_ keywords <- list.
^_ argCvts <- list.
^_ resultCvt <- ().
^_ primType <- 'call'.
^_ cName <- 'open'.
" sendTo's"
^ canAWS <- false.
^ cannotFail <- false.
^ passFailHandle <- false.
| )
traits primitiveMaker abstractLinking generator _Define: ( |
_ parent* = traits clonable.
^ generate = (
typeParent: parser primType sendTo: traits primitiveMaker typeTraits.
generatorParent: reader generatorTraits.
_ cName = (parser cName).
_ argCvts = (parser argCvts).
_ resultCvt = (parser resultCvt).
_ className = (argCvts first className).
_ gluePrefix = (
cName = '' ifTrue: [className ] False: [
className = '' ifTrue: [ cName ] False: [
cName = className ifTrue: [ cName ] False: [
className, '_', cName]]]).
_ gen = (
"ordering is essential"
_ buildGlueName = (
glueName: gluePrefix.
glueName isEmpty ifFalse: [glueName: glueName, '_'].
parser keywords do: [|:k|
glueName: glueName,
(k last = ':' ifTrue: [k copyWithoutLast, '_'] False: k)
glueName: glueName, '_glue').
_ buildWrapper = (
_ buildWrapperToDefaultFailBlock = (
wrapperNoFailDcl: wrapperNoFailDcl copy keywords: parser keywords
Cvts: argCvts.
wrapperNoFailDcl privacy: parser privacy.
wrapperFailSend: wrapperNoFailDcl copy.
wrapperFailSend addLastKeyword: 'IfFail'
Arg: '[|:e| ^error: \'',
wrapperNoFailDcl selector,
' failed: \', e]'.
wrapper: ' ', (wrapperNoFailDcl dcl: 4 WithPrivacy: true), ' = (',
(wrapperFailSend send: 6), ').\n\n'.
_ buildWrapperToCallC = (
wrapperFailDcl: wrapperNoFailDcl copy addLastKeyword: 'IfFail'
Arg: 'failBlock'.
wrapper: wrapper, ' ', (wrapperFailDcl dcl: 4 WithPrivacy: true),
'= ('.
glueSend: wrapperNoFailDcl copy.
argCvts first isVoid ifTrue: [
glueSend removeFirst.
argCvts removeFirst.
resultCvt isProxy ifTrue: [
glueSend addLastKeyword: 'ResultProxy'
Arg: resultCvt resultArg.
glueSend addSelectorPrefix: gluePrefix.
primName: glueSend selector.
glueSend addSelectorPrefix: '_'.
glueSend addLastKeyword: 'IfFail' Arg: wrapperFailDcl args last.
glueSend hasCoercions ifTrue: [
glueSendWiCvts: glueSend copy applyCvts.
glueSend replaceLastArgWith:
'\n [|:e| (\'badTypeError\' isPrefixOf: e)',
'\n || [\'deadProxyError\' isPrefixOf: e]',
'\n ifFalse: [^failBlock value: e] ',
'\n True: [',
(glueSendWiCvts send: 18),
'\n ]]'.
makeSlotForForeignFct. "uses glueSend"
wrapper: wrapper, (glueSend send: 6).
resultCvt isVoid ifTrue: [wrapper: wrapper, '.\n self'].
wrapper: wrapper, ').\n\n\n'.
_ primOrGlueCanFail = (
parser cannotFail not || [resultCvt resCanFail || [
resultCvt isProxy || [
argCvts findFirst: [|:cvt| cvt argCanFail]
IfPresent: true
IfAbsent: false]]]).
_ glueCount = ('_', argCvts size printString).
_ glueArgCvts: start = ( | v. r <- '' |
v: argCvts asVector.
start upTo: v size Do: [|:i. a|
a: v at: i.
r: r, ', ', a glueify.
| )
traits primitiveMaker staticLinking generator _Define: ( |
_ parent* = traits primitiveMaker abstractLinking generator.
_ makeSlotForForeignFct = (self).
_ fixupGlueSendForDynamicLinking = (self).
^ entry = (
'\"', primName, '\", \\\n',
'fntype(&', glueName, '), \\\n',
'ExternalPrimitive, \\\n',
resultCvt primTableRetType, ', \\\n',
primOrGlueCanFail printString, ', /* can fail */ \\\n',
parser canAWS printString, ', /* can scavenge */ \\\n',
false printString, ', /* can be constant folded */ \\\n',
true printString, ', /* cannot be moved or cut */ \\\n',
parser canAWS printString, ', /* can walk stack */ \\\n',
parser canAWS printString, ', /* can abort process */ \\\n',
' \\\n').
| )
traits primitiveMaker dynamicLinking generator _Define: ( |
_ parent* = traits primitiveMaker abstractLinking generator.
_ fct = 'myFctObj'.
_ makeSlotForForeignFct = ( | dummyFF. dummySel. |
dummySel: glueSend copy.
dummySel makeArgs.
dummySel args removeLast.
dummySel args addLast: 'fb'.
dummyFF: '[ ( | copyName: n = (self). ', (dummySel send: 13),
'= (fb value: \'could not link\'). | ) ]'.
wrapper: wrapper,
'\n | ', fct, ' =',
((primitiveMaker msg copy
receiver: 'foreignFct'
K: 'copyName:' A: '\'', glueName, '\''
K: 'Path:' A: reader glueLibraryName
K: 'IfFail:' A: dummyFF) send: 6),
'\n |\n'.
_ fixupGlueSendForDynamicLinking = (
glueSend addFirstReceiver: fct Keyword: 'value'.
glueSend valueWithify.
^ entry = ''.
| )
primitiveMaker generator _Define: ( |
_ typeParent* <- ().
_ generatorParent** <- ().
_ parent*** = traits primitiveMaker abstractLinking generator.
parser <- primitiveMaker parser.
reader <- primitiveMaker reader.
glueName <- ''.
primName <- ''.
wrapperNoFailDcl <- primitiveMaker msg.
wrapperFailSend <- primitiveMaker msg.
wrapperFailDcl <- primitiveMaker msg.
glueSend <- primitiveMaker msg.
glueSendWiCvts <- primitiveMaker msg.
wrapper <- ''.
| )
traits primitiveMaker msg _Define: ( |
_ parent* = traits clonable.
_ lotsOargs = ( |
_ parent* = traits primitiveMaker msg.
^ addLastKeyword: k Arg: a = (
args addLast: a.
keywords addLast: k, ':'.
cvts addLast: primitiveMaker cvts none.
^ addFirstReceiver: rcv Keyword: k = (
args addFirst: rcv.
keywords addFirst: k, ':'.
cvts addFirst: primitiveMaker cvts none.
^ removeFirst = (
args removeFirst.
cvts removeFirst.
keywords addFirst:
args size = 1
ifTrue: [ keywords removeFirst copyWithoutLast]
False: [ keywords removeFirst copyWithoutLast,
keywords removeFirst].
^ valueWithify = (
keywords removeFirst.
keywords: keywords copyMappedBy: ['With:'].
keywords addFirst: 'value:'.
^ dcl: indent WithPrivacy: pri = (
| a. in <- ''. r <- ''. col <- 0. toks. |
in: in copySize: indent.
a: args copy.
a removeFirst.
toks: list copyRemoveAll.
keywords with: a Do: [|:k. :a|
toks addLast: k.
toks addLast: a.
toks do: [|:t|
(t size succ + col) > width ifTrue: [
r: r, '\n', in.
col: in size.
r: r, t, ' '.
col: col + t size succ.
pri ifTrue: [ r: privacy, ' ', r ].
r ).
_ width = 60.
| ).
_ unary = ( |
_ parent* = traits primitiveMaker msg.
^ addLastKeyword: k Arg: a = (
args addLast: a.
cvts addLast: primitiveMaker cvts none.
keywords addFirst: keywords removeFirst, k, ':'.
^ addFirstReceiver: rcv Keyword: k = (
args addFirst: rcv.
cvts addFirst: primitiveMaker cvts none.
keywords removeFirst.
keywords addFirst: k, ':'.
^ removeFirst = (
args removeFirst. args addFirst: ignored.
cvts removeFirst. cvts addFirst: primitiveMaker cvts none.
^ valueWithify = (
keywords removeFirst.
keywords addFirst: 'value'.
^ dcl: indent WithPrivacy: pri = (
pri ifTrue: [ privacy, ' ', keywords first ]
False: [ keywords first ] ).
| ).
| )
traits primitiveMaker msg _AddSlots: ( |
_ nullary = ( |
_ parent* = traits primitiveMaker msg unary.
^ addLastKeyword: k Arg: a = (
k = 'IfFail' ifTrue: [^resend.addLastKeyword: k Arg: a].
args removeFirst. args addLast: a.
cvts removeFirst. cvts addLast: primitiveMaker cvts none.
keywords addFirst: keywords removeFirst, k.
^ addFirstReceiver: rcv Keyword: k = (
args removeFirst.
cvts removeFirst.
keywords removeFirst.
args addFirst: rcv.
cvts addFirst: primitiveMaker cvts none.
keywords addFirst: k.
^ removeFirst = (self).
| ).
_ setMode = (
mode: args size > 1 ifTrue: [lotsOargs] False: [
args first = ignored ifTrue: [nullary] False: [unary]]).
^ copy = (((
resend.copy keywords: keywords copy)
cvts: cvts copy)
args: args copy).
^ receiver: r K: k1 A: a1 K: k2 A: a2 K: k3 A: a3 = (
args removeAll.
args addLast: r.
args addLast: a1.
args addLast: a2.
args addLast: a3.
keywords removeAll.
keywords addLast: k1.
keywords addLast: k2.
keywords addLast: k3.
cvts removeAll.
args size do: [cvts addLast: primitiveMaker cvts none].
^ makeArgs = (
args removeAll.
cvts size pred do: [|:i| args addLast: 't', i printString].
args addFirst: 'self'.
^ keywords: ks Cvts: cs = (
keywords: ks copy.
cvts: cs copy.
_ ignored = '"ignored"'.
"indent is indent of rest of line"
^ send: indent = ( | rcvr <- '' |
args first = 'self' ifFalse: [ rcvr: args first ].
'\n', ('' copySize: (indent - 2) max: 0), rcvr, ' ',
(dcl: indent WithPrivacy: false)).
^ addSelectorPrefix: p = (
(p isPrefixOf: keywords first) ifTrue: [^self].
keywords addFirst: p, keywords removeFirst.
^ selector = ( | r <- '' |
keywords do: [|:k| r: r, k].
^ hasCoercions = (
cvts findFirst: [|:a| (a selfConversion: 'fisk') != 'fisk']
IfPresent: true
IfAbsent: false).
^ applyCvts = ( | a. c |
a: args.
c: cvts.
args: a copyRemoveAll.
cvts: c copyRemoveAll.
a with: c Do: [|:a. :c|
args addLast: c selfConversion: a.
cvts addLast: primitiveMaker cvts none.
^ replaceLastArgWith: a = (
args removeLast.
args addLast: a.
| )
primitiveMaker msg _Define: ( |
_ mode* <- traits primitiveMaker msg unary.
^ privacy <- ''.
^_ keywords <- list copy addLast: 'not'.
^_ args <- list copy addLast: 'snort'.
^_ cvts <- list copy "addLast: primitiveMaker cvts none".
| )
traits primitiveMaker typeTraits _Define: ( |
^ get = ( |
_ className = ''.
^ glue = (
' C_get_var( ', resultCvt glueify, ', ',
cName, ', ', glueName, ') \\\n' ).
| ).
^ getMember = ( |
^ glue = (
' C_get_comp( ', resultCvt glueify, ', ',
argCvts first glueify,
', ', '.', cName, ', ', glueName, ') \\\n' ).
| ).
^ set = ( |
_ className = ''.
^ glue = (
' C_set_var( ', cName, ', ', argCvts first glueify, ', ',
glueName, ') \\\n' ).
| ).
^ setMember = ( |
^ glue = (
' C_set_comp( ', argCvts first glueify,
', ', '.', cName, ', ',
argCvts last glueify, ', ',
glueName, ') \\\n' ).
| ).
^ call = ( |
_ className = ''.
^ glue = (
' C_func', glueCount,
'( ', resultCvt glueify, ', ', cName, ', ',
glueName, ', ',
(parser passFailHandle ifTrue: 'fail' False: ''),
(glueArgCvts: 0), ') \\\n').
| ).
^ callMember = ( |
^ glue = (
' CC_mber', glueCount,
'( ', resultCvt glueify, ', ',
argCvts first glueify, ', ',
cName, ', ',
glueName, ', ',
(parser passFailHandle ifTrue: 'fail' False: ''),
(glueArgCvts: 1), ') \\\n').
| ).
^ new = ( |
_ className = (resultCvt className).
^ glue = (
' CC_new', glueCount, '( ', resultCvt glueify, ', ',
className, ', ',
(glueArgCvts: 0), ') \\\n').
| ).
^ delete = ( |
^ glue = (
' CC_delete( ', argCvts first glueify, ', ', glueName, ') \\\n').
| ).
^ undefinedSelector: sel Type: t Delegatee: d MethodHolder: mh
Arguments: a = (
sel error: 'is a bad template type: ', sel).
^ performTypeErrorSelector: sel Type: t Delegatee: d MethodHolder: mh
Arguments: a = (
sel error: 'is a bad template type: ', sel).
| )
traits primitiveMaker cvts _Define: ( |
general = ( |
^ massageResult: r = (r).
^ isVoid = false.
^ glueify = (main, ',', glueifiedAux).
^ primTableRetType = (ptBaseType, 'PrimType').
_ ptBaseType = 'Unknown'.
^ argCanFail = true.
^ resCanFail = true.
^ selfConversion: a = (a).
^ parseArgFrom: tokList = (parseFrom: tokList).
^ parseResFrom: tokList = (parseFrom: tokList).
^ className = (
error: 'cannot deduce class name from ', main, ' conversion').
^ isProxy = false.
| ).
| )
traits primitiveMaker cvts _AddSlots: ( |
noAux = ( |
_ cloning* = traits oddball.
_ p2* = traits primitiveMaker cvts general.
^ parseFrom: tokList = (self).
_ glueifiedAux = ''.
| ).
aux = ( |
_ cloning* = traits clonable.
_ p2* = traits primitiveMaker cvts general.
^ parseFrom: tokList = (copy setFrom: tokList).
| ).
| )
traits primitiveMaker cvts _AddSlots: ( |
ints = ( |
_ parent* = traits primitiveMaker cvts noAux.
_ ptBaseType = 'Integer'.
^ selfConversion: a = (a, ' asSmallInteger').
| ).
floats = ( |
_ parent* = traits primitiveMaker cvts noAux.
_ ptBaseType = 'Float'.
^ selfConversion: a = (a, ' asFloat').
| ).
strings = ( |
_ parent* = traits primitiveMaker cvts noAux.
^ selfConversion: a = (a, ' asByteVector').
| ).
byteVectors = ( |
_ parent* = traits primitiveMaker cvts aux.
_ ptBaseType = 'ByteVector'.
_ setFrom: tokList = (
tokList isEmpty ifTrue: [^error: 'byteVectors need ptr type'].
ptrType: tokList removeFirst.
_ glueifiedAux = (ptrType).
^ selfConversion: a = (a, ' asByteVector').
| ).
proxies = ( |
_ parent* = traits primitiveMaker cvts aux.
_ setFrom: tokList = (
tokList size < 2
ifTrue: [^error: 'proxies need ptr type and type seal'].
ptrType: tokList removeFirst.
typeSeal: tokList removeFirst.
^ parseArgFrom: tokList = (copy setFrom: tokList).
^ parseResFrom: tokList = (
(parseArgFrom: tokList) setResultProxyFrom: tokList).
_ setResultProxyFrom: tokList = (
tokList isEmpty ifTrue: [
^error: 'returned proxy need result proxy'
resultProxy: tokList removeFirst.
_ glueifiedAux = ('(', ptrType, ',', typeSeal, ')').
^ isProxy = true.
^ resultArg = (resultProxy).
^ selfConversion: a = ( | rcvr <- '' |
a = 'self' ifFalse: [ rcvr: a ].
'(', rcvr, ' reviveIfFail: [|:e| ^ failBlock value: e])' ).
| ).
| )
traits primitiveMaker cvts _AddSlots: ( |
fctProxies = ( |
_ parent* = traits primitiveMaker cvts proxies.
_ setFrom: tokList = (
resend.setFrom: tokList.
tokList isEmpty ifTrue: [^error: 'fctProxies need argCount'].
argCount: tokList removeFirst.
_ glueifiedAux = ('(', ptrType, ',', typeSeal, ',', argCount, ')').
| ).
| )
primitiveMaker cvts _Define: ( |
^ none = ( |
p* = traits oddball.
selfConversion: a = (a).
isVoid = false.
| ).
^ oop = ( |
_ auxp* = traits primitiveMaker cvts aux.
_ main = 'oop'.
oopSubtype <- ''.
_ setFrom: tokList = (
tokList isEmpty ifTrue: [^error: 'oop needs oopSubtype'].
oopSubtype: tokList removeFirst.
^ parseResFrom: tokList = (self).
_ glueifiedAux = (oopSubtype).
| ).
^ any_oop = ( |
_ auxp* = traits primitiveMaker cvts noAux.
_ main = 'any_oop'.
^ argCanFail = false.
| ).
^ any = ( |
_ auxp* = traits primitiveMaker cvts aux.
_ main = 'any'.
_ setFrom: tokList = (
tokList isEmpty ifTrue: [^error: 'any needs C type'].
cType: tokList removeFirst.
_ glueifiedAux = (cType).
_ cType <- ''
| ).
^ void = ( |
_ auxp* = traits primitiveMaker cvts noAux.
^ massageResult: r = (r, '.\n self').
^ isVoid = true.
_ main = 'void'.
_ ptBaseType = 'Unknown'.
^ resCanFail = false.
| ).
^ bool = ( |
_ auxp* = traits primitiveMaker cvts noAux.
_ ptBaseType = 'Boolean'.
_ main = 'bool'.
^ resCanFail = false.
| ).
^ float = ( |
_ auxp* = traits primitiveMaker cvts floats.
_ main = 'float'.
| ).
^ double = ( |
_ auxp* = traits primitiveMaker cvts floats.
_ main = 'double'
| ).
^ long_double = ( |
_ auxp* = traits primitiveMaker cvts floats.
_ main = 'long_double'.
| ).
^ char = ( |
_ rtp* = traits primitiveMaker cvts ints.
_ main = 'char'.
^ resCanFail = false.
| ).
^ short = ( |
_ rtp* = traits primitiveMaker cvts ints.
_ main = 'short'.
^ resCanFail = false.
| ).
^ int_or_errno = ( |
_ rtp* = traits primitiveMaker cvts aux.
_ ptBaseType = 'Integer'.
^ selfConversion: a = (a, ' asSmallInteger').
_ main = 'int_or_errno'.
_ glueifiedAux = (errorValue).
_ setFrom: tokList = (
tokList isEmpty ifTrue: [^error: main, ' needs errorValue'].
errorValue: tokList removeFirst.
_ errorValue.
| ).
^ int = ( |
_ rtp* = traits primitiveMaker cvts ints.
_ main = 'int'.
| ).
^ smi = ( |
_ rtp* = traits primitiveMaker cvts ints.
_ main = 'smi'.
| ).
^ long = ( |
_ rtp* = traits primitiveMaker cvts ints.
_ main = 'long'.
| ).
^ signed_char = ( |
_ rtp* = traits primitiveMaker cvts ints.
_ main = 'signed_char'.
^ resCanFail = false.
| ).
^ signed_short = ( |
_ rtp* = traits primitiveMaker cvts ints.
_ main = 'signed_short'.
^ resCanFail = false.
| ).
^ signed_int = ( |
_ rtp* = traits primitiveMaker cvts ints.
_ main = 'signed_int'.
| ).
^ signed_long = ( |
_ rtp* = traits primitiveMaker cvts ints.
_ main = 'signed_long'.
| ).
^ unsigned_char = ( |
_ rtp* = traits primitiveMaker cvts ints.
_ main = 'unsigned_char'.
^ resCanFail = false.
| ).
^ unsigned_short = ( |
_ rtp* = traits primitiveMaker cvts ints.
_ main = 'unsigned_short'.
^ resCanFail = false.
| ).
^ unsigned_int = ( |
_ rtp* = traits primitiveMaker cvts ints.
_ main = 'unsigned_int'.
| ).
^ unsigned_long = ( |
_ rtp* = traits primitiveMaker cvts ints.
_ main = 'unsigned_long'.
| ).
^ string = ( |
_ auxp* = traits primitiveMaker cvts strings.
_ main = 'string'.
| ).
^ string_len = ( |
_ auxp* = traits primitiveMaker cvts strings.
_ main = 'string_len'.
| ).
^ string_null = ( |
_ auxp* = traits primitiveMaker cvts strings.
_ main = 'string_null'.
| ).
^ string_len_null = ( |
_ auxp* = traits primitiveMaker cvts strings.
_ main = 'string_len_null'.
| ).
^ bv = ( |
_ auxp* = traits primitiveMaker cvts byteVectors.
_ main = 'bv'.
_ ptrType.
| ).
^ bv_len = ( |
_ auxp* = traits primitiveMaker cvts byteVectors.
_ main = 'bv_len'.
_ ptrType.
| ).
^ bv_null = ( |
_ auxp* = traits primitiveMaker cvts byteVectors.
_ main = 'bv_null'.
_ ptrType.
| ).
^ bv_len_null = ( |
_ auxp* = traits primitiveMaker cvts byteVectors.
_ main = 'bv_len_null'.
_ ptrType.
| ).
^ cbv = ( |
_ auxp* = traits primitiveMaker cvts byteVectors.
_ main = 'cbv'.
_ ptrType.
| ).
^ cbv_len = ( |
_ auxp* = traits primitiveMaker cvts byteVectors.
_ main = 'cbv_len'.
_ ptrType.
| ).
^ cbv_null = ( |
_ auxp* = traits primitiveMaker cvts byteVectors.
_ main = 'cbv_null'.
_ ptrType.
| ).
^ cbv_len_null = ( |
_ auxp* = traits primitiveMaker cvts byteVectors.
_ main = 'cbv_len_null'.
_ ptrType.
| ).
^ autoProxy = ( |
_ auxp* = traits primitiveMaker cvts proxies.
_ main = 'proxy'.
^ className. _ resultProxy.
_ ptrType = (className, '*').
_ typeSeal = (className, '_seal').
^ parseArgFrom: tokList = (self).
^ parseResFrom: tokList = (setResultProxyFrom: tokList).
| ).
^ proxy = ( |
_ auxp* = traits primitiveMaker cvts proxies.
_ main = 'proxy'.
_ ptrType. _ typeSeal. _ resultProxy.
| ).
^ proxy_null = ( |
_ auxp* = traits primitiveMaker cvts proxies.
_ main = 'proxy_null'.
_ ptrType. _ typeSeal. _ resultProxy.
| ).
^ proxy_or_errno = ( |
_ auxp* = traits primitiveMaker cvts proxies.
_ main = 'proxy_or_errno'.
_ setFrom: tokList = (
resend.setFrom: tokList.
tokList isEmpty ifTrue: [^error: main, ' needs errorValue'].
errorValue: tokList removeFirst.
_ glueifiedAux = ( '(', ptrType, ',', typeSeal, ',', errorValue, ')').
_ ptrType. _ typeSeal. _ resultProxy. _ errorValue.
| ).
^ fct_proxy = ( |
_ auxp* = traits primitiveMaker cvts fctProxies.
_ main = 'fct_proxy'.
_ ptrType. _ typeSeal. _ argCount. _ resultProxy.
| ).
^ fct_proxy_null = ( |
_ auxp* = traits primitiveMaker cvts fctProxies.
_ main = 'fct_proxy_null'.
_ ptrType. _ typeSeal. _ argCount. _ resultProxy.
| ).
^ fct_proxy_or_errno = ( |
_ auxp* = traits primitiveMaker cvts fctProxies.
_ main = 'fct_proxy_or_errno'.
_ ptrType. _ typeSeal. _ argCount. _ resultProxy.
| ).
^ proxyForClass: name = (autoProxy copy className: name).
^ undefinedSelector: sel Type: t Delegatee: d MethodHolder: mh
Arguments: a = (
proxyForClass: sel).
^ performTypeErrorSelector:sel Type:t Delegatee:d MethodHolder: mh
Arguments: a = (
proxyForClass: sel).
| )
"primitiveMaker reader test"